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Q: How do you receive the photo of my pet?
A: On the order form, click on UPLOAD PHOTO and select the
photo of your choice from your device.
Make sure the pet is looking at the camera
Q: How do I know if the quality of the photo will print well?
A: If we have concerns about the quality of the photo that is provided, we will contact you. For best photo results:
Avoid blurry photos
Take photo at eye level
Take photo at seated position with their upper body in the frame
Q: Will I be a part of the design process?
A: Of course! We will email you proofs. Our goal is that you are
100% satisfied with your pet magazine cover.
Q: Can I submit multiple photos for you to review?
A: Yes! You can send up to three photos and we
will use our judgement to create the best design.
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